When you configure the Meetio apps connection to Google Calendar you need admin access to Google Workspace for your organization.
Step 1 - Create a service account user
Login in as a company admin in Workspace. Set up a new user within your domain in Google that can act as the service user.
Step 2 - Create room resource (optional)
Still in Admin, go to Apps > G Suite > Calendar > Resources. If you haven’t already created a building*, that’ll be the first step. Go to “Add Building” in the left column and add a building by clicking on the yellow plus. Thereafter, go back to Resources and create a room resource by clicking on the yellow plus. Add a category and assign the room to the building you just added. Also, add floor plan, name of the room and capacity (how many people the room is suited for).
* You cannot add room resources without a building.
Step 3 - Give access to calendars
Go to (make sure you are still logged in as a company admin). Go to Settings (top right corner) and in the left column, click on the calendar(s) you want to share with Meetio. Then go to “Share with specific people” and add the service account and choose “Make changes to events”.
Step 4 - Subscribe to calendar
On the left list, find and click on "Other calendars" and "Browse resources". Check all the calenders you want to have access to.
Step 5 - Add the user and set the room(s) in Meetio settings
If you’re administrating devices from Meetio Admin, login at, choose Google under Connection and authorize the Service user created in Step 1.
If you’re configuring from the device, Go to Meetio settings by clicking the logo in the top right or left corner, go into Settings and choose the Google Connector. Click “Google Account” and enter the email and password of your newly created user. Lastly, select your meeting room(s) in “Room resource”.
Way to go, you’re all set!
Now start enjoying those glorious, undisturbed and awesome meetings that you deserve!
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